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Poems by Claudia Piccinno, Italy

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Claudia Piccinno is a teacher, poet and translator, she lives and teaches in the north of Italy. Operating in more than 100 anthologies, she’s a former member of the jury in many national and international literary prizes.

She has been the Continental Director for Europe in the World Festival Poetry from April 2019 to september 2021, she represents Istanbul culture in Italy as Ambassador of Ist Sanat Art Association. She has published 41 poetry books, among her own poetry collections and other poets’ translations into Italian language.

She was conferred with the most prestigious award “Stele of Rosetta” in Istanbul in 2016, the Literary Awards Naji Naaman Prize 2018, “World icon for peace” for Wip in Ondo city, Nigeria, in April 2017; Global Icon Award 2020 for Writers Capital International Foundation, The light of Galata, Turkey 2021, Sahitto International Jury Award, Bangladesh 2021. She gained almost 250 prizes in Italy for poetry and cultural merits. Her poem “In Blue” is played on a majolica stele posted on the seafront in Santa Caterina di Nardo (Le).

She is European editor for the international literary magazine Papirus in Turkey and for Atunis Magazine international. She is responsible for poetry in the Italian magazine called Gazzetta of Istanbul, printed in Turkey by the Italian community. She writes for e-magazine and literature newspapers such as Menabò, Verbumpress, Il Porticciolo.

Her website is

She has also written numerous critical essays or prefaces to the books of other poets.. She has published

La sfinge e il pierrot”, Aletti Editore, 2011

Potando l’euforbia” in Transiti Diversi, Rupe Mutevole Edizioni, 2012

Il soffitto, cortometraggi d’altrove”, La Lettera Scarlatta Edizioni, 2013 (italian)

Il soffitto, cortometraggi d’altrove”, La Lettera Scarlatta Edizioni, 2014 (italian- english)

Tabahnha” (Il soffitto), Edizioni Majdah, 2014 (edizione in serbo)

Ragnatele cremisi”, La Lettera Scarlatta Edizioni, 2015

TAVAN-Baska Yerlerdeki Kisa Filmler, Artshop edizioni 2016

Grimizna Paucina, Anma publisher in Belgrado, 2017

Ipotetico Approdo, Mediagraf edizioni, Padova 2017

In nomine patris“, Il cuscino di stelle 2018
Rime sparse” co-autore Agron Shele, Amazon edizioni

La nota irriverente, Il cuscino di stelle 2019

Karaya Cikma Hayali, Artshop, Istanbul 2018

Pourpre toile d’araignée” Edilivre, Paris 2018

L’abord hypothetique Edilivre, Parigi 2018
Karaya Cikma Hayali, Artshop, Istanbul 2018
МОГУЋА ЛУКА Alma editore, Belgrado, settembre 2018

Magie in Staunen, Verlag Expeditionm, Hamburg 2018

Your voice in countersong, Goodreads 2019 U.E.A

editor Volti invisibili, Africa solidarietà, 2018

Atunis Galaxi Anthology 2018 Albania

Atunis Galaxi Anthology 2019

Ali d’inchiostro- Verlag edizioni, 2020

Asimov, un volto inedito- Il cuscino di stelle 2020

Sfinge di Pietra- A stone Sphinx, Il cuscino di stelle, 2020

Note di lettura, Il cuscino di stelle, 2020

Letras para la vida,AAvv- Spagna,2021

Versos cruzados- coauthor E.Bagli, Dunken ed.Argentina,2021

La hipothesi de ti, Iberias editorial, Miami- Florida,2021

She translated into italian language
Gabbiani sanguinanti by Raed Aljishi, Il cuscino di stelle edizioni 2018
Volo d’identità by Oscar Limache Il cuscino di stelle edizioni 2018

Also in the trilingual book published by Amotape, Perù
Angoli della notte by Hilal Karahan Il cuscino di stelle edizioni 2018

Ciao oscurità by Gino Leineweber, Il cuscino di stelle edizioni 2019

La mia isola di Osman Ozturk, Il cuscino di stelle edizioni 2019

Possano i nostri sogni diventare realtà, di Mesut Senol, Artshop, Istanbul 2019

Quando l’amore ci guida, di Gino Leineweber, Il cuscino di stelle, 2020

Il grande progetto, Maya Herman Sekulic, Il cuscino di stelle,2020

Genesi della memoria, by Raed AlJishi, Il cuscino di stelle, 2021

Una farfalla tatuata, by Ali Al Hazmi, Il cuscino di stelle, 2021

Il voto di Penelope, by Milica Jefferson Lilic, Il cuscino di stelle, 2021

Una brezza Mediterranea– cotranslator Mesut Senol, Il cuscino di stelle 2020


About her poetry a collection of essay was published by Armando Iadeluca

title: In ordine sparso, Il cuscino di stelle, 2020.

White flag

Climbing to the sky
I wave a white banner
to greet those who have undertaken
a single journey.
Geraniums bloomed;
they tell me that life goes on,
that I have to ignore the fear
if I want to stay.
I’m looking for the blue of the day
in order to start a new life…

I know it exists

We are not told
why every meeting has their reason.
We are not told.
why a storm pushed us into the same shelter
on an ordinary day.
I questioned myself by rejecting
unusual feeling
but the thought of you returned intermittently.
There is – I know – an ethical diaphragm
that isolates us
in the movement of a luminous mind
and a soul suffering for old disillusionments.
For that thin membrane
I silenced the ink
but – overbearing – his disruptive strength returns
to sow hope before apathy
drags us into the dark.

I got lost in fear

I got lost in fear
not a milestone
to show me the direction of travel.
I waited at the crossroads
that you go back
with your doubts
and your reasons.
I looked to the sides
of the roadway
looking for a path
or a shortcut.
Nothing led me
to the arrival point,
nobody took me
by hand,
each of my steps
follow the rules
of the good way,
make arrangements
to the others
like violin’s horsehair
and wait for the right vibration
the sound of a beat
that will take me home.

As a horse without bridle

My heart gave up
Like a horse without bridle,
in an obstacle course
He has lost his trajectory
sowing storm.
Locked in the fence
with crazy foals
He does not resign
at the time that advances
and whitened his horsehair.
No squire
has been faithful to him,
no gamekeeper.
He feeds on wild daisies
and he forgot the rose.

Waiting for spring

I would have made you my only God
if only you hadn’t stepped on
my dreams, my dignity.
I nestled for your warrior gene
yet it was not enough for you.
You didn’t understand why
this stubborn heart of mine,
and I didn’t scream, I didn’t chase you.
I became snail droolwithout shell,
smiling as a pain mask,
I pretended indifference
bleeding flowers,
I will make a bouquet with them
waiting for a spring.

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