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 Publisher: IWA BOGDANI

Editor Jeton Kelmendi


Author: Sultan Catto

Prepared for publishinig by IWA Bogdani team

Corrected by the author

Copyright © Sultan Catto

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An Exhibition of traces through the stories in the book “The Confession of Numbers” by the author Sultan Catto

By Prof. Jeton Kelmendi PhD

In the storybook The Confession of Numbers by Sultan Catto, the reader enters a world where mathematics and literature collide in unique ways. He tries to find the author and which field he belongs to: is Catto more of a writer or a scientist? We are dealing with a writer with a scientific personality. With a strict and precise style, Catto transforms numbers into protagonists of stories told with a deep sense of conscience. In this way, he figuratively connects literature with the science of numbers. This book is not just a collection of stories; it is an experience that steps into the territory of the author’s imagination, guiding us on an emotional and mental journey.

With his theoretical physicist and mathematician expertise, Catto uses his knowledge to create a unique universe. His stories interweave mathematics with human emotions and events in unexpected ways. He transforms mathematics from a cold and focused subject into a language of deep feelings and thoughts, making it clear and alive for a broader and yet more fragile audience.

One of The Confession of Numbers’ most distinctive qualities is how Catto unfolds the complex connections between numbers and human experience. Through various stories, he shows us how numbers can be more than just numbers; they can be representative of the feelings, memories, and dilemmas we face in our daily lives. For example, in one story, a mathematical grid written on a wall becomes an emotional monument to a lost love story, making the reader reflect on the power of mathematical symbols in our lives. The writer does not make such interjections, but his approach has an interesting correlation with the fact that he photographs interesting events through his words and narrations in the stories of this book.

Another unique aspect of the book is the writer’s style. As a passionate reader of stories and writer, Sultan Catto has his narrative model, with which he beautifully connects his inner world with the readers’ outer world. Catto writes with unusual precision and an evident passion for his subject. With his carefully chosen words and clear explanations, he leads the reader on a fantastic journey into the world of numbers. It is not by chance that he has also selected the title of this book, “The Confession of Numbers,” to be the religion of numbers that is believed. It is a very symbolic title and has the power to amaze you. This brilliance in style and language makes it possible for even those unfamiliar with mathematics to grasp and enjoy this book. And if numbers have a religion that we should believe in, this is an additional strength to believe in this book because it turns out to be like faith in numbers, which, for the author, are also words and indeed very measured in weight of meaning.

Through “The Confession of Numbers,” Sultan Catto brings us closer to the mysterious and impressive world of numbers, although it is not all numbers. Through his stories, he gives us a new look at the views of others and the things we deal with in life’s journeys, transforming it from a simple subject to a rich source of deep emotions and meanings. This book is a unique and unforgettable journey that ends with a sense of fulfillment and admiration for the incredible power of the sentences narrated by Sultan Catto. And finally, not suspecting that I am unfolding and analyzing the texts of the stories separately, in this introduction to this book, I just entered this ‘temple’ of meaning for what life has hit the author.

Pristina 17. March 2024

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