Author: iwabogdani

Poems by Herzl Hakak

Herzl Hakak Three poems


Till Anguish, Till Kinship

by Herzl Hakak

Translation  Schulamith Chava Halevy


Women dream with open eyes

with nails extract love from

blind earth


There is a suppressed cry in the world, which ignites deserts

which shrouds thirsty eyelids with pain

wet and deaf


It is you, naked upon brown grass

green with beauty whispering

your flame spreads, conquers

worlds and climates


There is a door-to-door whisper in the world, yearning

without respite, sex aching with moisture

beloveds abandoned to sorrow

dreaming of identity, of kinship



When Everything was a Child

Poem by Herzl Hakak

Translated by Schulamith Chava Halevy


People wander in the streets.  Try to rend

sleep.  Mend life in their being. All ready

shirts laundered.  Something in the vantage point

from which their life-story was written

starts to beat.  Touches a line.

Perhaps I am with them.

Perhaps this is the story of a People.


When everything was a child, perhaps he had dreams

intended to fulfil, and parts to erase.   When the mature

teller materialized, the mountain was smoking.  It was hard to breathe

in the heat of the torches.  The lengthy purification.  I sought there

parts of me that threatened to disappear.  Breaths from my

past.  I wandered with them perhaps to hold,

as if seeking in them

another whole. Beyond the fragmentary. The incidental.


Now I come before them, before their libraries

The stars drained of their strength

in the world, bereft of heaven.

How did their skies turn into ice-water

their yearned-for fields to strangers?

The returning boy is looking for me now and I

Need and bleed.  With them, stained. Their heart is no longer

turned to me

as they go.


There is a teller among them who binds pages into a book.  In the bushes

A child prays to me.  What kind of poetry do you wish?

My life is torn along the



My Mother’s Magic

By Herzl Hakak

Translation by Schulamith C. Halevy


She has nothing but her life.

Seeds of light embedded between rows

Singular enchantment

Ours are lives she knew to shape

as if from flour.  As though everything was ground

grain by grain

in the millstone


While all the women sat upon stone steps

toying with their fans

glancing in any direction

they beheld a reticent glow upon her forehead

My mother kneaded her life, and ours

never losing sight nor sorrow of the maiden field


Four poems by Balfour Hakak

Four poems / Balfour Hakak

A scroll of Lineage —

Poem by Balfour Hakak.

Translation from the Hebrew by Schulamith Chava Halevy


My grandfather
received from his father a parchment
a scroll of lineage
and his father received from his
and his father received from his
father from father
back to the elders of the
great Assembly


But when my father departed in his immaculate gown
when he ascended to his great ancestral land
the scroll blew into sighs
the scroll blew in the wind
names aflame
letters afly


Ever since
lost still in the tempestuous storm
I seek after my trampled scroll
in the light of day
in the twilight of sorcery


Indeed, I must create
starting now
a scroll of lineage
— a new scroll
One that begins with




Balfour Hakak


Ever since you arose in my thought
You have been saying to me from a distance:
Your face is the face of a seraph
And you are one of the riders in the Chariot


We loved together in aimless motion
We lived together in a place of punishment
Those who go there are entwined, their soul goes out
Those who go there do not return.


Blue rivers then were of fire
You were a queen in beauty
I was a king in majesty
And we both loved according to the word.


Never forget:
We ascended from all the abysses and the breakings
We saw much happiness, also pain,
But we were on the highest height of all:
We had sight of the heart.


Translation: Esther Cameron


Her Ebbing Storm


Poem by Balfour Hakak.
Translation from the Hebrew by Schulamith Chava Halevy


I watched her ebbing storm
surrounded by every adjuration of the Covenant
oaths and vows carved into her living flesh
peeling from my flesh,
detaching, departing
eyes veiled in tremor,
awesome majesty
Her freedom is no more.


Her burning frock she left me,
all my sheets of poems
are hers
— a keepsake.


Her attire is of qualm
disappearing into the distance
she is quiet now, silent.
Who might comprehend
the depth of her torment.


Light from the Sea of Death

Balfour Hakak
Translation from Hebrew ©  Schulamith C. Halevy


At the Dead Sea I lay on the seaside bed
taking refuge in the forgetting of memories
I said: let me forget for a moment

all that had transpired
let me consign to oblivion all my toil and legacy.

Then from the sea came towards me a man
who sleeps on the sea of mirrors.
who floats on the water adrift in glow.
his flesh flashing from salt, of water-glow
his blood flashing sevenfold.


Holding in his hand an almond staff
he carves into its bark
mark upon mark.
White and sacred letters he diligently
carves, white symbols in the staff of


And the man is precious to me and beloved
And the man who rose from the sea
is my grandfather.


The sea is like a pure blue length of cloth
a prayer shawl.  A cloth of trembling ripples.
He passes to me the staff from the Sea of Death
his white face storming in fog
his face dripping light from the Sea of Death
light bestowed upon my living hand.


Would that the staff become a torch£
of light in my life
that I be fruitful in the land
that I confer it upon my sons.

Poems by Balfour Hakak


Poems by Balfour Hakak.

Translation from the Hebrew by Schulamith Chava Halevy

I watched her ebbing storm
surrounded by every adjuration of the Covenant
oaths and vows carved into her living flesh
peeling from my flesh,
detaching, departing
eyes veiled in tremor,
awesome majesty
Her freedom is no more.

Her burning frock she left me,
all my sheets of poems
are hers
— a keepsake.

Her attire is of qualm
disappearing into the distance
she is quiet now, silent.
Who might comprehend
the depth of her torment.

Balfour Hakak

Ever since you arose in my thought
You have been saying to me from a distance:
Your face is the face of a seraph
And you are one of the riders in the Chariot

We loved together in aimless motion
We lived together in a place of punishment
Those who go there are entwined, their soul goes out
Those who go there do not return.

Blue rivers then were of fire
You were a queen in beauty
I was a king in majesty
And we both loved according to the word.

Never forget:
We ascended from all the abysses and the breakings
We saw much happiness, also pain,
But we were on the highest height of all:
We had sight of the heart.

Esther Cameron


A scroll of Lineage — 

Poem by Balfour Hakak. 

Translation from the Hebrew by Schulamith Chava Halevy  

My grandfather
received from his father a parchment
a scroll of lineage
and his father received from his
and his father received from his
father from father
back to the elders of the
great Assembly

But when my father departed in his immaculate gown
when he ascended to his great ancestral land
the scroll blew into sighs
the scroll blew in the wind
names aflame
letters afly

Ever since
lost still in the tempestuous storm
I seek after my trampled scroll
in the light of day
in the twilight of sorcery

Indeed, I must create
starting now
a scroll of lineage
— a new scroll
One that begins with


Poems by SHOSHANA VEGH, Israel


Sewing Machine

When my brother was killed

All the threads frayed on Hanassi Street in Ashkelon

Dad wanted to appease Mom.

So, he bought her a sewing machine

Brand new from HaAliyah Street

In Tel Aviv

We all went, Mom, me and Dad

Every week to learn

How to reattach the threads

Dad was happy

That Mom found some interest in life

So he bought her

Threads in all colors

We moved everything

To Netania

Which didn’t do much good for Dad

Mom didn’t use the new sewing machine

The threads frayed



A Sweater


My mother knitted a sweater for my brother

Knitting notebook

in samples of brown woolen threads

My mother knitted for my beloved brother

Wonderful sweater

Criss Cross

to attach his body

To a warm cloth


My mother knitted a sweater for my brother

Beautiful like my brother

The sweater was left at home

And my brother was left in the hills

In the heat of the desert

without a home

wandering in his longing for us


Peace of Mind


In the morning we must say hello

And when I write her first

She soon answers

But not every day is the same

Today she wanted to stay in bed

Waiting for her strength to return

“Today I want to be weak” she says

I can’t start the day without his hello

And I know that it’s not him

It’s her just a mood in the morning

A woman in bed that want to be weak

A woman in bed that longs for her power to grow

And if he comes and passes by the window

She will be strong by this wind

And stronger than the light

And it’s in her mind all this peace of mind.

It’s in her!







I’ve cleaned the house

with the tears of the kidnappees

I’ve cleaned my house

After a month of mourning

And they are still there

In addition to a thousand dead martyrs

And the list is still going

And the hand is still writing

Who is for mercy and who is for grace

Who to die and who to burn

Who will die and who will live in suffering


I still have a home

In a beautiful street

and they…

I don’t know where they are

For the First time in my life

I am crying

and the tears are not running

it’s invisible

I can say that my soul waskidnapped

Poezi nga Anton Marku

Anton Marku     Vjenë, 7 prill 2024




Një fytyrë
e pështyrë mijëra herë
u shtri mbi një dru të vdekur

Nëpër trup i kishin mbetur
shenjat e ëndrrave


Me gishta të zverdhur
shtrydhi sytë
derisa nisi t‘u ngjante
të vdekurve të vetë

Dëshirë të fundit pati
të lehë në botën

Biri i saj i humbur.




Kur vdekja thirri
emrin e njërit prej nesh
unë nuk qëllova në shtëpi

Baba kishte fjetur
e nuk dëgjoi gjë

Fqinjët kishin parë
një mace të zezë
duke dalë nga oborri ynë

Kur u ktheva
nuk e gjeta babën

E kishin marrë me vete
ujërat e asaj vjeshte.




Me lule të bardha
mbuloi shkronjat e emrit
me të cilin e patën pagëzuar
gjysmë i vdekuri
i lagjes sime

Në qytetin ku lindi
asnjë varr nuk pranoi
t’i bënte vend arkivolit të tij

Gjithçka kishte fituar
nuk i mjaftoi
për një këmishë njeriu.





Gjithçka nis nga një përrallë
e treguar bukur
nga goja e një lahutari

Në luftë shkohet
duke u duartokitur fitoreve
që ende nuk kanë ndodhur

Gjokset mbështjellën me pëlhura
që u ngjajnë flamujve
të huazuar nga legjendat

Atë e humbasin
ata që të parët
ngrehën këmbëzën

Shumë pak prej tyre
mund të zgjedhin vetë
ngjyrën e fytyrës
me të cilën do mbyllin sytë

Të gjallët kthehen të vdekur
të vdekurit i fusin në këngë
pa ua matur trimërinë
apo hapat që bënë
para apo prapa.

Mjafton të kenë rënë




Dita e gjykimit të fundit
nuk do të vij

Toka asnjëherë
nuk do të jetë
e denjë për qiellin.

2 Poezi nga Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan

I kapërthyer në pikëllim

Herët në agimin rrezeartë,
Rrija i shtrirë në shtrat
Pyesja veten a ka ndryshuar ajo ndopak
A i kishte flokët ende të kuqërremta
Prindërit e saj thoshin se po të jetonim bashkë
Përnjëmend do të ishte maskarallëk
Ndërsa e ëma kurrë s’i kishte qepur fustan shtëpiak
Libreza e kursimit e të et s’qe ku ta di se çfarë.
E qëndroja buzë rruge
Shiu këpucët m’i qullte
Ia pata mësyer Bregut Lindor
Zoti e di sa e kam paguar çmimin tim,
Duke u kurthëruar në pikëllim.

Ajo qe martuar kur u takuam
Së shpejti u shkurorëzua
I ndihmova të dalë nga ferri, kujtoj,
Por përdora pakëz tepër forcë,
Vozitnim veturën me shpejtësi maksimale
Duke ia mësyer Perëndimit
U ndamë natën e pistë e të pikëlluar
Të dytë u pajtuam se kjo qe gjëja më e mirë.
Ajo u kthye të më shikojë
Derisa largohesha
Dëgjova të më fliste sipër shpatullave të mia,
“Do të takohemi sërish një ditë në aveny”,
Ende jam i kapërthyer në pikëllim për ty.

Kam pasur punë në pyjet e mëdha në very
Punoja si gjellëbërës
Por kurrë s’ia kam dalë aq shumë sa t’më pëlqente
Dhe një ditë sëpata m’u thye.
Ashtu që shkova poshtë në Nju Orlinz
Ku rastisa që të punësohem
për një kohë të shkurtër në një barkë peshkimi
Bash m’u jashtë Delakrosë.
Por tërë kohën isha i vetmuar
E kaluara më pat pushtuar,
Kam parë shumë gra
Por ajo kurrë s’m’u hoq nga mendja,
dhe sall po kurthërohesha
Edhe më tepër në pikëllim.

Ajo punonte në një vend të njohur
E unë u ndala për një birrë,
Vazhdoja ta shikoja në fytyrë
Në dritë aq të qartë.
E më vonë kur turma zvogëlohej
Edhe unë isha gati të veproja njësoj,
Ajo mbështetej në shpinë të karriges sime
Më tha: “A ta di emrin?”
Murmurova diç nën frymëmarrjen time,
M’i kundronte vijat në fytyrë
Më duhet ta pranoj se ndihesha pak i trembur
Kur u përkul t’m’i lidhë këpucët,
U kurthërova në pikëllim.

E ndezi sobën dhe ma ofroi llullën
“Kujtova se kurrë s’do t’më përshëndesësh” tha
“Dukesh tip i heshtur”,
Pastaj hapi një libër poezie
Dhe ma dorëzoi
Të shkruar nga një poet italian
Nga shekulli i trembëdhjetë.
Dhe çdo fjalë e tij kumbonte e vërtetë
E të afshonte sikur thëngill që digjet
Duke u derdhur faqe për faqe
Si ta kish skalitur për ty në shpirtin tim
Jam i kapërthyer në pikëllim.

Kam jetuar me ata në Montag Strit
Në një bodrum përposh shkallëve,
Natën nëpër kafiteri muzika dëgjohej
E revolucioni në ajër hetohej.
Pastaj ia filloi të tregtonte me skllevër
Dhe diç në brendësinë e tij vdiq,
Ajo duhej t’i shiste të gjitha që i kishte
Dhe i ngriu diç përbrenda.
Dhe kur e gjithë kjo mori fund
Unë tashmë isha tërhequr,
E vetmja gjë që mund ta bëja më së miri
Qe të vazhdoja të sillem si shpend në fluturim,
Megjithëkëtë jam i kapërthyer në pikëllim.

E tash po kthehem përsëri,
Dhe më duhet ta gjej disi.
Të gjithë njerëzit që i njihnim
Për mua tash janë sall iluzion,
Disa janë matematicienë
Disa janë gra zdrukthtarësh.
S’më kujtohet si ia pat filluar e gjithë kjo,
As nuk e di si po veprojnë me jetat e tyre.
Unë megjithatë jam ende në rrugë
Duke kërkuar edhe një herë bashkim
Ne gjithnjë kishim të njëjtin përjetim,
Sado që dallonim në pikëvështrim,
Ende jemi të kurthëruar në pikëllim.

Nëna jote thotë që unë jam i huaj

Unë jam burrë në vuajtje të vazhdueshme
Kam pas telashe gjatë gjithë ditëve të mija
Do t’i them lamtumirë Kolorados
Aty ku linda dhe pjesërisht u rrita

Nëpër këtë botë të hapur jam i detyruar të eci
Nëpër akull, borë, breshër e shi
Mëngjeseve mbi hekurudhë jam i detyruar të kaloj
E, ndoshta do vdes një ditë në atë tren

Nëna jote thotë që unë jam i huaj
Fytyrë që ndoshta s’do e shihni më
Por ja një premtim për gjithë juve:
Do takohemi në bregun e artë të Zotit

Unë do e bëj një të kthyer në Kolorado
Në vendin prej nga jam nisur
Se po ta dija që më dhuronit aq shumë dhimbje
Zemër, s’do të kisha ardhur kurrë.

Përktheu: Fadil Bajraj

3 poezi nga Jeton Kelmendi


Nuk e di nëse jemi ne, apo
ata, që u ranë tërthoreve trup
a erdhën apo shkuan
nëse s’jemi ne
sytë që shikojnë pas majës së mendimeve
kush është personi e kush rrëfimi

tani, troket në hyrje të daljeve
dhe si zakonisht,
i paraprinë vetës një dilemë
po e hamë, apo po e pimë
të shkuarën
e kësaj dite, në ketë temë

do të na thërrasin zgjuarjet
me metra prej litari
ta lidhim tekstin e rrëfimit
rishtazi ta kuptojmë
nëse jemi ne rrëfim,
apo ngjarje

ke, ç’ke me ne
dhe ra terri i zi i natës
së diel,
e ne nuk pamë gjë më
as ngjarjen, as rrëfimin
as si pamë ato
as, kush s’na pa
gjithçka mori zhdukja me vet

si java që po lëmë pas
fish-fish e paluam
në të shkuarën dhe iku ndodhia
gjë s’morëm vesh
në ishim përnjëmend ne, apo ato
as s’po shohim më
as s’po na sheh kush
paskemi qenë diku jashtë vetës.

Paris me 28 Janar 2017


Kuptimi i të jetuarit është,
motiv për të ecur drejt të nesërmes,
që secili ka të drejt ta shoh

një krijesë të tillë
sekush e do për vete, për njerëzit
e vet
edhe pse nuk e di kah ka ardhur
kah shkon dashuria

derisa nuk i dihet origjina,
është sekrete,
e fshehtë si prejardhja e ajrit
koha përmes nesh e ka sjell
deri këtu

sa herë bëhet fjalë për
origjinën e dashurisë,
të mençurit kanë shkruar
definicione e teori,
formula, e deri edhe poezi,
por, një gjë është e saktë,
kush deri më sot nuk e di

një gjë duhet kuptuar,
pa pretenduar se po zbulon
diçka të madhe,
dashuria lind përditë
pas dite pas mesnate.
thjeshtë mund ta shohim kurdo

e nëse është kështu,
ku jeton dashuria pra,
ku dashuron jeta,
origjinën, vendbanimin
kohështrirjen, ku e ka pra!

Teoria rrëzon teorinë
sikur stina përcjellë stinën
derisa të bëhet vit.
origjina është kuptim
edhe i qartë
edhe i paqartë.

Dashuria është prej Zotit
prandaj vetëm Ai
ia dine prejardhjen.

Matera, Itali, me 18 Tetor 2019


Jam diku, jetoj disi
tejmatanë pikës së kujtesës
në fjalinë e pafolur të durimit

banoj diku
në fund të vetvetes, atje poshtë
nëse më njeh kuptimi,
jam i lumtur

e gjej vetën
brenda hidhërimit tim të lodhur,
aty ku se kisha pare
as në ëndërr,
e pash kohën më rrëshqiste nga
dhe u binda
se mungesa ime nuk ekziston
andaj kah do që po kërkoj
a jam diku

nuk kam më dilema,
e di se gjurmët i more
me vete
dhe se nuk kam pyetje, ku
mjafton që më bije
emri yt ndërmend.

Taranto, 4 Tetor 2019.

Poem for Tasha by Stanley H. Barkan Albanian and English



I have a granddaughter named

Natasha Rose Clarke.

She prefers to be called “Tasha” or “Tashi.”

I prefer the latter.


Tashi sings original songs

which she sometimes accompanies

with her mandolin, guitar, or uke,

like Dylan with his harmonica.


Her UNncle Mark, a pro songwriter,

who was very critical of singers or instrumentalists,

when first he heard Tashi sing,

was over the moon about it.  I am, too.


The black holes that sometimes

discord my dreams of things I did wrong

or things I ought to have done

are brightened by Tashi’s singing.


They are what the ancients called,

“The music of the spheres.”

For me, they are a new constellation

astro-streaming in my nocturnity.


How grateful I am for her creative power,

a luminous talent, perhaps l’dor v’dor,

the legacy of artistic mother and grandmother,

passed from generation to generation.


Stanley H. Barkan


Përktheu në Shqip Jeton Kelmendi




Unë kam një mbesë me emrin

Natasha Rose Clarke.

Ajo preferon të quhet “Tasha” ose “Tashi”.

Unë preferoj këtë të fundit.


Tashi këndon këngë origjinale

të cilën ajo ndonjëherë e shoqëron

me mandolinë, kitarë ose ukën e saj,

si Dylan me harmonikën e tij.


Xhaxhai i saj Mark, një kantautor profesionist,

i cili ishte shumë kritik ndaj këngëtarëve apo instrumentistëve,

kur dëgjoi për herë të parë Tashin të këndonte,

ishte mbi hënë për këtë. Unë gjithashtu.


Vrima e zezë që ndonjëherë

kundërshtoj ëndrrat e mia për gjërat që kam bërë gabim

ose gjërat që duhet të kisha bërë

ndriçohen nga këndimi i Tashit.


Ato janë siç i quanin të lashtët,

“Muzika e sferave.”

Për mua, ata janë një plejadë e re

‘astro-streaming’ në natën time.


Sa mirënjohës jam për fuqinë e saj krijuese,

një talente e ndritshëm, ndoshta l’dor v’dor,

trashëgimia e nënës dhe gjyshes artistike,

kaloi brez pas brezi.


Stanley H. Barkan

Poems by Muhammad Shanazar

Biography of Pakistani eminent poet Muhammad Shanazar

Muhammad Shanazar, an internationally renowned Pakistani eminent poet and translator, was born on November 25, 1960, at Saib, a village of Tehsil Gujar Khan in District Rawalpindi, Pakistan.  In his childhood he did different kinds of work, he farmed the land, grazed cattle, cut grass, sold vegetables, and cut wood for fuel. But at the same time he took keen interest in Education. He holds Masters Degrees in English Literature and Political Science from University of the Punjab. Brazil bestowed upon him Doctorate in Humanitarian Education as well. Having done masters in literature, he started his career as constable in Police Department and served there for three years. He then joined as a lecturer in Higher Education Department, Govt. of the Punjab. Education and hardworking demeanour have taken him to the heights of success. He has dedicated his life to education and literature. He worked there for 34 years and just recently got retirement as an Associate Professor of English Language and Literature. In addition to teaching, he concentrated literature and in a short time he emerged as a poet and translator.  He met two severe shocks his life, his father was killed in 1990 and his mother died in a road accident in 1996.

Muhammad Shanazar writes poetry against war, the pieces his literary work have been published in various national and international newspapers and magazines all over the world. Moreover, his many poems have included in various international anthologies as a co-author. His published and unpublished books are: Gems, The Cold Stars, The Dance of Darkness, Cries in the Wilderness, Voyages and Visions, The Black Roses, The Scent of Love, Bells of The Bygone Days, Chillies and Aftermath. His translated books are: The Alien Eyes, Wrist in the Clutches of Death, A Tempest in Silence, Sugar Coated, Symphony and Other Poems, Snowy Sunlight, The Coin of Death, A Garland of Poems, Withering Dreams, Down the Blue Streams, Hot Springs, A Saga of Love, The Crop of Stars and Khairi Mourat.

Muhammad Shanazar is the recipient of so many awards, honours and titles,  the list extends more than 140, these have been  bestowed by various literary and peace loving  organizations around the world in recognition of his literary excellence and commitments. A list of list of his titles and award can be seen as under:

  1. Promotion in Children Literature (National Book Foundation Islamabad)
  2. International Special Distinction on “The Dew Drops”, by Voice Net, North Carolina, U.S.A.
  3. International Special Distinction on “The World”, by Voice Net, North Carolina, U.S.A.
  4. International Special Distinction on “A Change”, by Voice Net, North Carolina, U.S.A.
  5. Resident Poet awarded by Voices Network, North Carolina U.S.A. (April, 2004)
  6. Judged for 8 years poems in the international poetry contests hosted by Voices Network, North Carolina U.S.A.
  7. The International Best Translator Prize 2012, awarded by International Poetry Translation and Research Centre, China; on 28th 2013.
  8. One of the Board of Directors of Galaktika Poetike ATUNIS 2010 to 2020, Albania.
  9. President of the Jury constituted for international award “Frang Bardhi Prize 2013”, it was awarded by Albania to poets on high poetic achievement on Declaration of Independence, on 28-11-2013.
  10. A lifetime member of the International Writers and Artists Association U.S.A.
  11. Poeti Dal Mondo (Poet of the World) By Margutte, Italy.
  12. A member of International Poetry Translation and Research Centre China.
  13. Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize 2015 (FCG Foundation for Gratis Culture Lebanon).
  14. Poet of The Month (July 2015) by The World Wide Web.
  15. One of the one thirteen the great, by slideshare:
  1. A nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature 2015.
  2. The Chief Editor of the world’s famaous two-volumed Anthology ‘Fragrance of Asia’ Published by Sahitya Publishers, India.

  1. A Universal Inspirational Poet awarded by Ministry of Culture, Art and Tourism, Ghana, Anglican Church, Accra Ghana and PENTASI B World Poetry Ghana, West Africa on 22nd May 2016.

  1. A member of the jury for World Union of Poets Prize 2016.
  2. An Extra-Ordinary Ambassador for Gratis Culture, Naji Naaman’s Foundation Lebanon.
  3. Cross of Peace 2016, by World Union of Poets Italy.
  4. Cross of Literature 2016, by World Union of Poets Italy.
  5. A member of the jury for the World Union of Poets Prize 2016.
  6. Vicedomini dell’ Unione mondiale de poeti 2016, by the World Union of Poets, Italy.
  7. Platinum Cross of Coordinators by World Union of Poets, Italy.
  8. World Icon of Peace 2016, by World Institute for Peace Nigeria.
  9. Secretary General World Institute for Peace, Nigeria.
  10. Deliverd leacture on “Democracy and Role of African Youth in Good Governance” at Adeyemy College of Education, now university in Ondo, Nigeria

  1. Bronze Medal for Culture by World Union of Poets, Italy.
  2. Pride of Pakistan by The Chief Minister’s Youth Mobilization Committee, Punjab.
  3. World Icon of Leadership by World Institute for Peace Nigeria and Governor of the State of Osun, Nigeria.
  4. Published as featured poet along with other prominent poets at Italian literary site
  5. Director of International Linkages, appointed by the Governor of the State of Osun, Nigeria.
  6. Published at House of Pakistan as a featured poet.

  1. Honourary Doctorate in Peace and Humanitarian Education by Instituto Edjucando Brazil.
  2. Honorary Graduation 2017, by Mawaheb International Cultural Union, Canada.
  3. Ambassador/General Director of the World Union of Poets-23rd level in 24th of the World Union of Poets, Italy.
  4. Published as a featured poet in the world most famous magazine Diogen Pro Kultura Magazin.

  1. 2nd Secretary General of World Union of Poets, Italy.
  2. 1st Four Stars Ambassador in the World of World Union of Poets, Italy.
  3. President of Asian Parliament of World Union of Poets, Italy.
  4. Published as a featured poet on among great world’s writers and poets

  1. Herbert Macaulay’s Legacy Award 2017, by World Institute for Peace, Nigeria.
  2. World Laureate in Literature 2017, by World Nations Writers’ Union Kazakhstan.
  3. Pride of the Globe 2017, by World Nations Writers’ Union Kazakhstan.
  4. Published on Citatepedia among great world’s writers and poets.

  1. Literaurnost Gold Award 2017, by Philosophique Poetica, India.
  2. The World Best Poet 2017 World Institute for Peace, Nigeria
  3. Ambassador of Humanity 2018, by International Higher Academic Council of English literature, India.
  4. Poetic Galaxy Award 2018, by the Literati Cosmos Society, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  5. Ambassador of Justice and Peace 2018, by Dr. Harjinder Singh, the Chief Ambassador, the British Empire.
  6. Ambassador De Literature by Motivational Strips, Oman.
  7. Published on Citatepedia among great world’s writers and poets

  1. The Dean-Poetry Critic and Assessment at Motivational Strips Academy of Literary Excellence and Wisdom.
  2. The Secretary General of World Institute for Peace, Nigeria.
  3. The 2nd Secretary General of World Union of Poets, Italy.
  4. The First Vice President of World Nations Writers’ Union Kazakhstan.
  5. Connoisseur De Poetry 2018, by Motivational Strips, Oman.
  6. One of the World’s Top Six Writers by Motivational Strips, Oman.
  7. A Certificate of Recognition bestowed by UNESCO.
  8. Noble Star for Literature 2018, by International Higher Academic Council of English literature, India.
  9. Global Literature Guardian Award 2018, by Motivational Strips, Oman.
  10. The World’s Most Inspirational Writer’s Award 2018, by International Higher Academic Council of English literature, India.
  11. World Icon of Literature, by the International Higher Academic Council of English literature, India.
  12. A legal member of Hafrikan Prince Art World, Ghana.
  13. One of the Competent Authorities and Signatories for Temirqazyq: The Best Poet-Writer of the World Award 2018.
  14. Temirqazyq The Best Poet of The World 2018, World Nations Writers’ Union Kazakhstan
  15. Master of War Imagery, World Nations Writers’ Union Kazakhstan.
  16. Global Doves of Peace, by Motivational Strips, Oman.
  17. Living Legend Of 21st Century, by International Higher Academic Council of English literature, India.
  18. Honoured Poet of Pakistan by Lasosyasyon la San Frontyer, Govt. of Republic of Seychelles.
  19. Mentor of World literature by Motivational Strips, Oman.
  20. Advisor AABS Publishing House West Bengal, India.
  21. One of the three members of the jury for World Poetic Star Award, hosted by World Nations Writers Union, Kazakhstan, on the 175th Anniversary of the Kazakh poet Abai Qunanbaiyul.
  22. Featured on House of Pakistan
  23. World Icon of Peace 2019, by World Parliament of Peace, India.
  24. World literary prize, ‘Mentor of World Literature 2019’ by World Nations Writers Union, Kazakhstan.
  25. Life time-member of International Poetry Translation and Research Centre (IPTRC) China.
  26. A life-time member of International Writer Association (IWA), USA.
  27. Senator World Parliament of Literature, World Union of Writers, Italy
  28. Anton Chekhov Award 2019, the State of Crimea, Russia.
  29. Master of Creative Impulse, Life-time Achievement Award, by Philosophic Poetica and Grand Production, Canada.
  30. A Certificate of Achievement by Munir Mezyed Foundation for Arts and Culture, Romania.
  31. Dean Literary Critic and Assessment, Motivational Strips, Academy of Literary Excellence and Wisdom, Oman.
  32. Film and Literature International Award by World English Writers Union, India.
  33. Valued Award of Humanity by Fantastic Ideas of Global Celebrities, Destiny Lightt Speakss.
  34. Feature as Poet of Humanity on The Designer,
  35. One of the seven Celebrities of Literature by Fantastic Ideas of Global Celebrities, Destiny Lightt Speakss.
  36. Featured on the Chinese Website along with bio and literary work with Chinese translation:

  1. HIS EXCELLENCY Yasser Arafat Peace Award 2019.
  2. Global Icon of World Peace, Literature and Culture by Galaxy International Foundation, India.
  3. Order of Shakespeare Medal 2020, for Global Literary Merit, by Motivational Strips, Oman.
  4. Diploma of the First Virtual Art Olympiad 2020 for promotion of Peace and Humanity, by Association of Balkan Artists.
  5. First Virtual Diploma on Contributing Literature for Covid-19 by Association of Balkan Artists.
  6. Premio Mundial La Excellence Cultura 2019-2020, by URUBAMBA Municipalidad Provincial, PERU, Union Hispanomundial De Escritores, UHE, Motivational Strips, Sultanto De Oman, and World Nations Writers Union, Kazakhstan.
  7. Abu Nasr Ibn Muhammad al-Farabi Award, by World Nations Writers’ Union, Kazakhstan.
  8. An Advisor for All Poetry Souls, Canada.
  9. A Nominee for Alternative Nobel Prize 2020
  10. International Volunteerism Award 2020 by Sustainable Development GOALS, Ghana.
  11. Community Award by Hera Foundation and Tony TV U.S.A. and Kishwer & Tony Peace Foundation and Radio TV Canada.
  12. International Special Representative and Ambassador of Culture and Sustainable Development for the United Nations Committees, New York UN Headquarters.
  13. International Award ‘Paragon of Hope’ Hera Foundation and Tony TV U.S.A. and Kishwer & Tony Peace Foundation and Radio TV Canada .
  14. National Services Award International Human Rights Observer United Nations.
  15. Featured on the web of an international literary organization Spillwords:
  16. Published alongwith poetry at:
  17. International Humanitarian Medal by International and Peace Forum, Yemen.
  18. A Pioneer of Humanity in the World International Humanity and Peace Forum, Yemen.
  19. Award on creating Global Standard Literature by Sahitya Academy Gujrat, India and Motivational Strips Oman Headquarters.
  20. A Certificate of Excellence by the International Humanitarian and Peace Forum, Yemen.
  21. Hall of Honor 2020, by JD Police Defense System Headquarters, International Police Confederation, and ASIM Brazil.
  22. A Certificate of Appreciation by Prince Tareq Sultan Al-Zureiqi, President International Federation of Arab Intellectuals Sanaa Yemen.
  23. Poet at
  24. A certificate ‘World Peace Pledge’ by His Highness, Dr. Tareq Sultan Alzuraiqi, the Prince of Yemen (Counsellor) and Dr. Ali Adam Alwakeel (Founder and President) of Astrid Academy, Yemen.
  25. Certificate of Merit for the Literary Career and Art at a Universal Level by Association of Universal Poets and Writers, El Salvador.
  26. Poet at
  27. Tolerance Medal by the International Humanitarian and Peace Forum, Yemen.
  28. Featured on
  29. A Diploma on International Children’s Day by First Virtual Art Olypiad, Croatia.
  30. World Peace Grand Award by International Interchange Development Organization, Thailand.
  31. A Certificate of Apprecaction from Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society, Canada for participating in the 6th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival, 2020.
  32. A certificate of recognition from Victor Boluarte Medina Alcalde, the founder of Cusco Cultural Heritage of Humanity and the Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Cusco, for participation in the 3rd International Congress of Latin American Writers of the XXI Century, from 17 to 19 December 2020.
  33. Published as a featured poet with Hebrew translation on:
  34. International Gold Certificate bestowed by Amb. Abdullghani Yaya Alebarh, President of the forum for Humanity and International Peace, Yemen.
  35. Kairat Duissenov Parman Medal for Poetic Excellence by Gulhan Taikynkyzy, the Chairperson, Shiju H. Pallithazheth, the Co. President and Carlos Hugo Co. the President of World Nations Writers’ Union Kazakhstan.
  36. Golden Certificate of Peace Ambassador by International Interchange Development Association (IIDA), International Interchange Development Foundation (IIDF) and International PINCO World, Thailand.
  37. Premio Mundial 2020 Cesar Vallejo Award, A La Excelencia Literaria, Peru.
  38. Member of Amnesty International.
  39. Literary Luminaries Award 2020-2021 by School of Arts and poetry Nigeria.
  40. Premio Mundial A La Excelencia Award 2021, by Union Hispanomundial UHE.
  41. A Certificate of Author’s Recognition by Motivational Strips.
  42. World Poetic Pillar Award 2020-2021, World Nations Writers’ Union, Kazakhstan.
  43. Literary Luminaries Award 2020/2021, by the School of Arts and Poetry.
  44. Certificate of Authorship Recognition by Motivational Strips.
  45. Prmoo Mundial A La Excelentia (Aguila De Oro 2021, by Union Hispanomundial UHE.
  46. Appoited Chief Advisor to the founder of Motivational Strips for the year 2021-2022.
  47. Certificate of Ambassador by the International Humanitarian and Peace Forum, Yemen.
  48. Mandela Medal by the International Humanitarian and Peace Forum, Yemen.
  49. As a key speaker delivered an inaugural address to the World Knowledge Summit 2021, held in Mexico on 18th August 2021.
  50. Addressed on ‘Peace’ the Military Leadership of Bolivia, on the event History of Military Verse and Science, on Bolivian Independence Day, held on 27th August, 2021.
  51. Bio and literary achievements telecast on NBM Bangla TV.
  52. Published as a featured poet, full page covering, in The Daily Asia Bani, Bangladesh.
  53. International Award for Educational Excellence, on account of inaugural address to World Knowledge Summit 2021, hosted by UNISEF, UNESCO and United Nations, in Mexico.
  54. A certificate of recognition by the Commander-in-Chief, armed forces, Bolivia.
  56. A ‘LEADER GENIUS’ awarded unanimously by UN, UNESCO, UNISEF, the Union of University Rectors, Committee of the International College of C&C Professionals, Spanish Academy of Modern Literature, the International Academy of Science, Art, Culture and Education, Mexico and several other civil and businessmen associations.
  57. A certificate of recognition and appreciation for delivering address to the IntercontinentalConference on the Environmental Education, held in Spain on 30th2021.
  58. A certificate of inclusion in World Book of Records, London, on account of co-authoring world anthology ‘Eternal Melodies’.
  59. ‘Man of the Year’, by Shakti Film Productions, Jaipur, India.
  60. ‘Promoter of Culture’ by government of Bolivia on supporting the Military History in Verse and Science project.
  61. ‘Altruistic Writer’ by government of Bolivia on supporting the Military History in Verse and Science project.
  62. ‘Five star Poet’, by the team of How To write For Success.
  63. Peace Shield Award, by International Peace Foundation, Yemen.
  64. Peace Leader, by International Peace Foundation, Yemen.
  65. International Member and Mentor of World Creativity Forum, India.
  66. Member of International Editorial Board, World Creativity Forum, India.
  67. Peace necklace by International Peace Foundation, Yemen.
  68. Knight of World Peace, World Institute for Peace, Nigeria.
  69. Drector Executive appointed by Confederation of Writers, Aritists and Poets of the World.
  70. Ambassador of Litatrarure and Art, by Confederation of Writers, Aritists and Poets of the World.
  71. Ambassador of Peace by Confederation of Writers, Aritists and Poets of the World.
  72. A Certificate of Excellence for being a contributor of international anthology, “peace Begins With Us.”
  73. RABINDRANATH TAGORE MEMORIAL AWARD 2022, awarded by the Department of Culture, Govt. of Seychelles, Motivational Strips, and the Editorial Board of SIPAY.
  74. A certificate of appreciation from Austrailian International Cultural and Art Centre, Poetry Sydny Committee, Australia.
  75. Published with great poets of
  76. Humanity Award by International President Instituto Educando Para A Paz, Fedrative Republic, Brazil, President and Founder of Instituto Educando Para A Paz, United Nations Global Compact, one of the signatories is the Ist King His Majesty MAHARAJA of Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom.
  77. Featured in an international literary magazine ‘The Genius’ published by Motivational Strips.
  78. Published on the banner, on Tolerance Day 2022, by Yamen, alongwith Gandhi and Nelson Mendala.
  79. Rahim Karim World Literary Prize 2022, by Rahim Karim Karimov World Literature Foundation, Uzbekstan, Russia.
  80. One of the four poets published as Poetas Del Mundo (Poets of the World) in Conexion Nortesur, International Magazine,
  81. Author at
  82. A certificate of recognition given away by His Majesty Dr. Lasyah Rechza, the king of Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom and Her Highness Queen Eden Soriano Tranidad, international president and founder of Royal Kutai Mulawarman Peace International Institute (RKMPII).
  83. International Award for Educational Excellence 2023, presented by Prof. Dr. Bikash Sharma, the President and Founder University Academy Management Association (AMA), President World Academic Education Industry (WAE), and H. H Dr. Gloria Hekker, Director Global Educational Summit, Kawasaki, Japan, hosted under the United Nations Agenda 2030.
  84. Missionary of World Peace Award 2023, given away by Prof. Dr. Bikash Sharma, the President and Founder University Academy Management Association (AMA), President World Academic Education Industry (WAE), and H. H Dr. Gloria Hekker, Director Global Educational Summit, Kawasaki, Japan,
  85. Honorary Postgraduate Diploma (Ph.D) conferred by Honourable H.E Amb. Dr. John Edoh, the Director of THE JEI RESEARCH AND INNOVATION.
  86. International Advisor/Executive Editor of Reader’s Choice, a quarterly magazine published by AABS, India.
  87. The Poetry Heart of Humanity by PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry.
  88. One of the Conscience-Keepers of the Universe BY International Academy of Ethics, India.
  89. Golden Bridge, by Rahim Karim Foundation.
  90. A Star of the Year 2023 by Abdullghani Yahya Al-Ebarh, yemen.
  91. The Chrimas Literary Honour 2023 by Motivational Strips, Oman.

Shanazar writes against war, his work has been published worldwide in different anthologies. His published and unpublished books are Gems, The Cold Stars, The Dance of Darkness, Cries in the Wilderness, Voyages and Visions, The Black Roses, The Scent of Love, Bells of the Bygone Days, Chilies and Aftermath. His translated books are The Alien Eyes’ ‘Wrist in the Clutches of Death’ ‘A Tempest In Silence, ‘Sugar Coated ‘Symphony and other Poems’ ‘Snowy Sunlight’ The Coin of Death, ‘A Garland of Poems’ Withering Dreams, A Saga of Love, The Crop Of Stars, Down The Blue Streams, Hot Springs, Khairi Mourat and My Scars, My Medals (Poetry of Habib Jalib).


For more information his name may be searched on Google.




While Going Around Kaaba


Indispensable mixing, merging

And blending of men, women and children,

Where they all lose their entities,

Into humanity, nothing else,

But only God in Man or Man in God,

As the rain drops lose their bodies

Impinging upon the surface of an ocean.


I went around in an ecstatic flow,

Divine sense of amalgam and felt nothing

Except God in me or me in God,

These were the moments of celestial union,

Kabah attracted me as the black hole attracts

Contents to mold or remold

And give them a new purified shape,

Purging them from all baser matters,

Refining and re-refining them all

Into a being that God requires, God desires.


I went around holding the hand of my soul-mate,

All time prayers on my lips for peace

And prosperity of all residents of the world,

I felt as if He listened to my whispered adorations,

Or they being perceptibly recited aloud,

Coming up from the deep abysses of the heart,

My sons and daughters too moved around

Mixed and mingled into their own states of mind.


Then I heard complaints of clipped purses,

Stolen money and passports,

It was pity and contemptible to know,

The devilish characters had their own slogs to do,

I held tight mine own bag hung on my shoulder

That contained a few Riyals,

Passport and prints of e-tickets,

I feared lest they should be lost,

My thought of unification dispersed and detached,

I came out of ecstasy and found myself asunder

From God as I ever had been,

And I became a part of the world full of lies,

Said goodbye to Kaaba with the tearful eyes.



How Ended 2023


I remember,

It was the last eve of December,

The red sun was about to descend.

Just in front of the hovel,

There sat five giant-sized human beings,

Around a penta-dimension table.

The plain around them was wide extended,

With dry withering sedge.


Upon the table they kept

Large bottles of champagne,

As big as jars made of porcelain,

There they placed beside a rope like objects

They grew out of their legs,

Might be a yard and half in length,

As thick as a rope that we use to haul and tow,

A ship or an engine when out of order,

They all had round knots on the end.


When the five giants were busy in chit-chat,

Red clouds appeared in the sky,

Harsh wind began to blow,

It didn’t waft along dried leaves or dust,

But skulls and limbs of the human beings.

The giants in panic took bottles in one hand

And in the other they managed their ropes,

On the crooked arms.


They all went into the hovel,

It hardly could adjust the five,

Their rope like objects remained outside,

The red clouds encroached

They began to pour down rain of blood,

Redness of the sun mixed and mingled

Into the redness of clouds,

The whole sky, even the universe,

Seemed all red red.


A man taller and bigger than the giants,

Sturdy with big muscles,

Resembling some ancient executioner,

Appeared and stood in front of the hovel,

He had an axe hung on his left shoulder,

And in the right hand he had a boulder.


He addressed them,

“Gentlemen! Manage your Vetoes inside the hovel,

Out of rain, else I shall cut them in twain,

And then you all will be free of your gadgets.”

In the meanwhile the sun descended,

And two thousand twenty three ended.


The Skull of Cain


In a dream, I dreamt a skull,

It roved street to street,

And stopped in front of me where I stood

It was freshly skinned,

From inside it was a hollow bin,

When it spoke, only its jaws moved,

It uttered wise things, rather the wisest,

But most of them were unintelligible to me,

I bent and peeped into and found,

Neither any tongue nor brain,

The whole thing

Imparted me nothing but pain.


It said,

“I am the inventor of the ways,

How a man murders a man,

The whole credit goes to me,

Whether one is killed in a family conflict,

Or on the battle plain,

I am the skull of Cain.”

Then it went away and spoke no more,

Perhaps its voice submerged in the roar.


The Skull of Victory

(Written in the background of war between Israel and Palestine)


In the morn, in the eve,

At night, at the sunny hours of noon,

Boom, boom, boom.


The dead bodies of men and women,

Cadavers of kids,

Shredded flesh of life,

Bones of hopes,

The injured carrying the injured,

Coffins of peace

Being shouldered by the processions,

Mad dogs of horror roving in the streets,

Flying adders in the airs,

Myriad streaks of smokes,

Mushrooms rising up to the sky,

Debris of the future,

Cages of pain wrapped in cries,

Stench of the burning innocence,

The uniformed men of military,

Carrying the gadgets of bloodshed,

Callousness whispering into the ears of silence,

An encroaching anaconda of the final catastrophe,

The wealth of hunger,

Are gifts of the United Nations.


The world ever moved on but sans patronage,

All he-cats were assigned to guard,

The bowl of milk taken out

From breasts of the step mother,

Now the Five Major sit with adjoining heads,

They rake up ashes with the poker of Veto,

And search for the skull of victory.


A Cracked Dome of Mirror

(In memory of my aunt Suryya who died on 17 Jan. 2023)



Of the spent years are crumbs of time,

Now I sit and collect the shards,

Some seem pleasant and some poignant,

Life in the end seems

Nothing but a cracked dome of mirrors,

Each emits its own reflection.


Oh! My aunt,

My heart weeps and wail for you,

Though the sensible call it stupidity,

My heart and mind are not convinced,

That you are gone,

I feel, you just played hide and seek

As you had had in my early days,

My mother bore me and you brought me up,

Even when I am in sixties

And had a sojourn at the village,

You played a triple role,

Of mother, of friend and of guard.


There is a lot to remember

But memories are muddled,

I have lost myself in maze of recollections,

Only I remember

The last days that I spent with you,

And when I worked

To remove debris of the old house,

And I had to push a hand cart to throw out stones,

At each third turn

You had to offer a glass of milk,

And whenever I departed to come back,

You stood still

Like a statute on the edge of farm,

Till my figure vanished you remained there.


I feel myself lucky

That you breathed last in my arms,

It took a moment,

Life flew to the valley of death,

Ah! They both have difference

Of the pause of breath.


Love finds itself everywhere of Jeton Kelmendi by By Klára Hůrková

Love finds itself everywhere of Jeton Kelmendi is translated and published in Chech by By Klára Hůrková


By Klára Hůrková, Aachen, Germany

The collection Love finds itself everywhere contains texts from 2015-2022 and is the poet’s personal confession. It tells us about his life journey in multi-layered images, but not chronologically. Its milestones are not specific experiences or stories, but rather ideas and ideals. Nevertheless, these are deeply introspective verses, in which the lyrical Self often conducts a conversation with itself, sometimes the lyrical subject is even doubled, appearing as “I” and “you”.

The central theme and recurring motif is time. And this is both the time actually experienced by an individual human, and also as a phenomenon in the poet’s imagination. The very first poem deals with the theme of time travel, the feeling and the idea that our life cannot be limited to the present, which seems very imperfect. The lyrical subject yearns to know wider dimensions, however, does not find “the door to another time/where I could love a little better/and stay a little longer.” The motive of the desire to know who a person could be in another time, whether in the past or in the future, appears, for example, in the poem I feel that I once was: “It seems to me that I was once/ Once in the Middle Ages in ancient times/perhaps yesterday/ or I read it somewhere in esoteric books/ Perhaps I heard the voices of ancient times/ which sometimes appear to me/ and haunt me/between being and absence//(…) I live in the present I live today/ and yet I am not here//In to our limitless world/ time seems too tight’.

Nevertheless, most of the poems relate to the time of a concretely experienced human life, present time. Even in them, however, Kelmendi appeals to a reader to break out of a too tight present, to include the past in his decisions and to live in the future at the same time. “Live now before today/ so that tomorrow you can look yourself in the eye”, says the poem My Message, which is subtitled Testament for Noida and dedicated to the poet’s son. In other poems, the theme is oblivion, erasure from the memory of time, which tends to be the lot of writers and all artists in authoritarian regimes: “Today’s time has no time/ Nor for my songs/ Nor for its own rituals (…) Whenever love rises to the top of possibilities/ the sense forgets the author/ Authors are then designated/ as interpreters of freedom” (My country has a bad habit). Or: “You deliberately ignore me / life in my homeland / while I live in freedom / oblivion surrounds me (Life in oblivion).

Again, in other texts, Kelmendi describes feeling as if he finds himself “out of time”, in the sense that time is strange and one does not fit into it: “In what time do we live/ what nightmares/ while we lag behind ourselves” (We Live out of time these days). Most of these poems have a political subtext, which is evident from the explicit addressing of the poet’s homeland. The experience of the war in Kosovo, in which Jeton Kelmendi participated as a soldier, is present in most of his texts, although it is rarely mentioned directly. A man on whose shoulders are placed great tasks and who feels the weight of responsibility, fights with fear and doubts, but still sets out on the journey, is the main character of many poems in this collection. In others, the lyrical subject expresses his disappointment with developments in his country and the ever-resurfacing hopes and disappointments.

Time also plays one of the main roles in the poems related to the global experience of the covid pandemic. Thus, in the poem Friendship in the Time of a Pandemic, time acts like a living being: “Time is sitting there in its own bed/ How to wake it up/ Or even time is frightened of/ the Covid pandemic?” A similar personification of abstract concepts is one of the main features of Kelmendi’s poetry: Time, courage, love, hope, freedom, fear and the like are frequent inhabitants of his texts. However, they do not appear in hackneyed phrases or vague statements, as is often the case when a poet abandons concrete images and reaches for abstracts. In Kelmendi’s texts, these concepts act as living beings or objects that actively experience different stories: “Tonight courage swallowed my silence (Origin of courage)”; “And time, an island inhabited by the timeless/ gives time to those who are without time (I have something to tell you); “I’m asking for patience for strength/ so that freedom can change the plan” (You’ve Only Got Ninety Minutes of Freedom in This Country); “Maybe / love can send me / a new invitation to wake up” (Trace of Life).

The wording of some verses sounds mysterious, vague in places, so that it is not possible to penetrate them completely with reason. However, this seeming indeterminacy creates its own atmosphere, that gives the poems a message. It is necessary to read between the lines and perceive the hidden pains and mental struggles expressed only in hints. Another typical feature is the fondness for paradoxical expressions: “Truth broke dreams/ until meaning lost its meaning”, “The time of false truth/ and silent words” (I sat at the beginning of myself); “We eat and drink the past of this day” (Knock at the entrance of the exits); “I’m from there/ where I’ve never been (Everything Goes Far). This stylistic feature may be related to the theme of unsolvable political and life situations.

In addition to the introspection of the poet’s life against the background of the events in which he was a direct participant, love in various forms is also a prominent theme of the poems: fulfilled and unfulfilled, present and past, real and dreamlike. Sometimes concrete images emerge: the sun over the mountain peaks of Lake Como, a secret meeting with a lover during a pandemic (“love illegal for a virus”), a memory of the countryside around Rugova.

Isolation in the time of covid in particular awakens longing and creates powerful poetic images: “One day/ when your face goes crazy/ with my absence/ I’ll write a time of decision/ in another time in our love” (The Day I’m Bored). Most of the poems in the collection are marked with a specific date and place of writing. Nevertheless, the texts are not arranged chronologically, since time sequence does not play a role in them. Jeton Kelmendi gives us an insight into his poetic vision in timelessness, in layers in which themes overlap, return and deepen. The collection, which is published for the first time in the Czech language, is a representative sample of the contemporary poetic work of this distinctive European author.